SEO is short for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
Optimizing Visibility in Search Engines:
It is common practice for Internet search users to not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks on a search results page is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. The higher a website naturally ranks in organic results of a search, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.
Why do you need SEO?
Today, whether you are an institution, a “pure player” or own a storefront, Digital Marketing has to be a part of your strategy. More than 70% of Google requests have a commercial purpose, your customers use the internet on a daily basis to get fresh news, read product information, purchase online products or services, etc… It is, therefore, necessary to be visible on the web and meet your customers’ needs and expectations, and it has to go through an SEO project management to optimize the visibility of a website.
Actually, you have to see SEO as the perfect representation of the real world. To be seen, there are two solutions: either people know your brand name, in which case you have a more or less good reputation among your visitors, or you need to be visible and seen when they are looking for your products or services.
Then everything is a matter of balance … It is not necessary to aim too high at first, for fear of being overtaken by an aggressive competition. You should, instead, aim for strategic keywords that you will be seen more quickly and receive qualitative traffic. One side of our job consists of assisting you in this process and guide through the different steps of an SEO project.
Patience is a word your website needs to respect because you will only see interesting results on competitive keywords in a long term vision. It is You need to move step by step and not rushing things too quickly toward your success.
How to perfectly reference a web page?
The following recommendations will help you get to an optimal SEO of your page according to the keywords you will have targeted. The techniques presented are often justified by several studies on the question and countless tests in order to arrive at the shared conclusions. Some points are justified by general presentiments based on the experience of professionals in this field.
HTML tags in the <head> portion of your page:
Title - The most important element on your page, the Title tag should preferably contain the keyword or key phrase in the first words of the tag. The GeekyBee case studies produced the following graph:
It is clear that using your keywords in the first words of the Title tag of your page has a close link to the best results in Google and that using your targeted expression further in the tag is associated With the fact of performing less well.
Meta Description - Although this meta is not used as such for better ranking in the majority of search engines, the meta description of a page is an important place in which you should use your keyword since it Will be highlighted when it appears in search results. Also, its use has shown that the meta description helps to increase the click-through rate, thus increasing your traffic, regardless of your position in the search results.
Meta Keywords - Yahoo! Is the only search engine that records and uses meta keywords to find your page, but not to improve its ranking. However, since Microsoft Bing has supported Yahoo! Search, the last reason why the use of this tag was justified simply does not exist anymore. This reason as well as the fact that the use of meta keywords can represent a danger of our optimization, the team of recommends to never again use this practice.
Length - Shorter URLs tend to perform better in search results and are also more likely to be copied/pasted, shared, and more likely to receive a link from other websites.
Keyword Localization - The more ready your keywords will be from your domain name, the better. Indeed, "" will perform better than "" and is definitely more recommended for the referencing of a web page (although it is not a Very influential factor in SEO performance).
Subdomains vs. Pages - Despite the slight advantage that the use of subdomains with keywords can bring you versus the use of subfolders or pages, the search engine algorithm further favors the use of sub -folders/pages rather than using subdomains.
Word Separators - Using dashes for keyword separation is always the best way to use in your URL. Despite the promise that "underscores" should have the same effectiveness, inconsistency with other methods ensures that using the dash is a more informed choice. NB This is not true for your domain name. Using dashes inside it is almost never recommended (ex: "" is definitely a better choice than "").
Elements in the <Body> of your page:
Number of Keyword Repeats - It is impossible to precisely specify the number of times that it would be optimal to use your keywords on your page, but this simple rule has long been used by the GeekyBee team: « 2-3x on shorter pages, 4-6x on longer pages and never more times than it makes sense inside your content for your readers. "The added benefit of using your key phrase in your content is so tiny in relation to the dangers and consequences of wanting to thwart the system by adding your keywords too many times.
Density - While the use of a targeted expression may potentially improve its ranking, there is no doubt that the keyword density (a certain percentage of the total content) Has ever been a formula by which this relevance has been measured.
Using keyword variances - Long suspected of influencing the results in search engines (although this technique has never studied in great detail to convince several SEO specialists), the theory that the keyword variance in your Content can help for SEO worth the effort to linger a little bit. The GeekyBee team recommends using at least one or two variations of the terms and separating the words from your targeted sentences.
H1 Header - For a long time the SEO community has suspected that the H1 tag had a very great importance in SEO web pages. Several recent studies show, however, that the H1 tag has a low correlation with high ranking results in search engines (in fact, almost no link). While this is a fairly convincing element, the correlation factor is not necessarily irrefutable evidence. For reasons of semantics and also SEO, team members still suggest that you use the H1 tag as your page header, and preferably use your targeted expressions within that -this.
H2 / h3 / h4 and other titles - Even less important than your H1, specialists recommend using them only if benefiting your readers. These tags do not seem to be a factor that influences yields.
The Alt attribute of an image - Surprisingly, the use of the Alt attribute of an image demonstrated a high correlation with the high results in the search engines. This is why its use is strongly recommended in an image, a photo and an illustration in which you can insert the keywords for which you want a better positioning.
The file name of your image - Because image search can bring you lots of visitors to your website and the name of your image file seems to be an important factor in its positioning in Google Images, the use of Your keywords in the name of your file is suggested.
Bold (<b> / <strong>) - The use of bold/strong seems to bring a very very slight advantage compared to the SEO weight of a page. That's why its use is recommended for at least one targeted expression inside your content.
Italic (<i> / <em>) - Surprisingly, putting a keyword in italics seems to bring a benefit slightly higher than the use of bold type.
Internal links with anchors - No test has yet demonstrated that anchor internal links are counted by search engines.
Internal Links and Localization in Site Architecture:
Click depth - Our general recommendation is that the more competition you have for the key phrase you are targeting, the more your page should be high in your content architecture (and thus take as few clicks as possible). From your home page to your important page).
Number and percentage of internal links - Pages that receive more links tend to perform better. For pages that target competitive terms, making links within your pages can improve their SEO.
Links in content vs. links in your navigation - Google and other search engines are increasingly trying to recognize the location of your links in your pages. Thus, using links such as on the Wikipedia site (inside your text content) rather than in your navigation could indeed bring benefits for SEO. Remember, however, that Google only counts the first link it "sees" in HTML to a specific page.
Sidebar and Footer - Many recent experiences suggest that Google would definitely give less weight to the links placed in your footer and even less in your sidebar. Therefore, if you use a navigation that is permanently visible on your website, it is preferable that it appears (in the programming) at the top of your content.
One page architecture:
Keyword Localization - It is recommended that your keywords appear in the first words (50 - 100, preferably even before that) of the text content of your page. Search engines seem to place more importance on pages that use keywords at the beginning of the search engines.
Content structure - Some SEO professionals consider it very important to use a particular structure for content writing (introduction, body text), examples, conclusion or more journalistic style, narrative, data, conclusion, opening ). However, no study could determine that either of these techniques made a real difference in terms of reference. Use the technique that best suits you and meets the expectations of your target audience as much as possible.
Best Practices for Getting Out # 1 in Google
All these optimization points on one page will not necessarily make sure that you will premiere in Google. A list that would lead to the first place would be more like this:
Accessibility - Content that search sites can not see or can not access can simply not be indexed. That's why the fact that your page must be accessible is criterion # 1 in this list.
Content - You must have relevant and high-quality content. These contents will not only ensure that they will attract the interest of Internet users, but these will be shared on the web. Viral content is possibly the most important factor in the performance equation since this will also have the effect of creating you inbound links more easily and naturally (links from other websites to your own).
Basic elements on a page - Focusing your efforts on the most important on-site referencing factors (titles, URLs, internal links) according to the right keyword gives you a good boost for a better performance of your page.
User experience - The user -friendliness, user interface and overall experience of your visitors are factors that influence the number of links and the number of quotes your website will get. You'll also get better statistics about the conversion rate and the time spent by users visiting your pages.
Marketing - Mr. Fishkin likes to say that "excellent content can not replace excellent marketing." A great marketing machine has the power to attract far more links from other websites than the content would otherwise have deserved, and although this may seem unfair, it is a principle on which capitalism has been based on The last hundred years. Spreading your message is often and unfortunately as much (or often more) important than being right, being honest or bringing value.
Advanced SEO / depth on a page - Apply all the principles set out in this article with respect to optimizing your web page and pay attention to detail probably is not useless, but this aspect is still at the bottom of this list to The reason that, according to the experience of GeekyBee, this advanced optimization does not add as much value as the other techniques described.
Of course, do not hesitate to share your comments and your experiences with the various recommendations made within this article on the optimal referencing of a web page!