The Hover Board Is Here!

Lexus unveils a frictionless board from the future
Watch The Demo For The HoverBoard:- 

We may not have flying cars and self-lacing shoes just yet, but another of Back To The Future II’s predictions for 2015 is finally coming true. Car manufacturer Lexus has created a working hoverboard that uses electromagnetism to enable it to levitate 2.5 centimeters (one to two inches) above the ground. However, before you get excited about being able to hover your way to work or school, there is a catch. The board will only work over special magnetic tracks and can be used for just 20 minutes at a time. At the moment it is just a prototype and won’t be going on sale anytime soon, but now Lexus has proved it can be done, who knows what the future might hold.

How it hovers

The Lexus Hoverboard uses magnetic levitation technology, working in a similar way to the Shanghai Maglev Train in China. Inside the board is an insulated core containing high-temperature superconducting blocks (HTSLs). These are housed inside cryostats – reservoirs of liquid nitrogen that cool the superconductors to their optimum operating temperature of -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). Acting as electromagnets, the superconductors create a magnetic fi eld that repels the permanent magnets in the track below, enabling the board to
levitate at a consistent height and support up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds). After about 20 minutes, the liquid nitrogen evaporates and the superconductors warm up, causing the board to fall back to Earth. To test it out, Lexus built a
special ‘hoverpark’ in Barcelona, Spain, with magnetic tracks hidden beneath it, and got pro skateboarder Ross McGouran to have a go.

The hoverboard is about the size of a large skateboard and weighs about 11.5kg (25lb)

The smoke coming from the board is nitrogen vapor, created by the liquid nitrogen inside.