A few years ago, the geeks were completely tacky: horrible glasses with big mounts, ridiculous pants, rejections, mockery. Being geeky and having a girlfriend was impossible. First class, the little geniuses of computing were not the odds. But since then, new technologies have emerged. And with them, the trend has reversed. Today, being a geek is hype! Still, Can't believe my words go watch MR ROBOT tv shows may be you could figure out a GEEK then.
There was once a few years ago a boy with white skin, pimply and fan of new technologies. He wore trousers too short in winter, German sandals in summer and spent his life in front of his computer. Myopic as a mole, he hid behind triple focus glasses and lived in his room, cut off from the world and excluded from society, wearing inconsiderate love for all kinds of immaterial things such as computers , video games, movies Science fiction and free operating systems. Very gifted in much extremely bizarre but very bad fields in human relations, this strange character, this friendless guy, as corny as he was stuck,
What does geek mean in French?
Founded in ancient German, the term "geck" was used in the Middle Ages as the "madman of the village", the "original". In the English language, the word "geek" appeared on American campuses in the 1970s, at the same time as the invention of Arpanet, the first "packet transfer network", which subsequently became the On the Internet.
The geek, this fashion victim
At the time, being a geek was not a life of all rest: mockery, rejection, loneliness. The poor boy lived in his virtual world, on the margins of society, wondering how he could do well to become sociable. The new technologies have developed and today it is simple: the geek is a true star. From the status of fairground animal incapable of approaching a girl, the geek has today moved to the position - oh how much more noble - of a model, even of an emblem. In 2017, being a geek is the trend! Those who were considered yesterday as insane madmen of society are today totally in the coup: the intellectual look has landed in the great capitals of fashion. Rectangular sunglasses, XXL glasses, and vintage frames are at the forefront of the attitude to adopt in society! Yeah, today - notwithstanding the Conservatives - the geek no longer has anything to envy the fashion victims (he is one himself) and invades the media: Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook), Moby (electronic music artist) or Quentin Tarantino (director and producer of films) are all personalities that prove today the indisputable supremacy of geek attitude.
The geekettes: sexy and intelligent girls
Originally, the pure geek was a male. But men are no longer the only ones to love new technologies. The community is feminized and " Geekettes " - young women as sexy Qu intelligence - are increasingly numerous: Justine Ezarik (web-designers freelance), Jade Raymond (programmer of video games) or Amber MacArthur (famous journalist Television host) are perfect examples. The Geekettes are found in " Girls Geek Parties ", evenings forbidden to men. They discover the latest technological innovations of the moment.
Become a geek does not improvise
Geek mode is furiously trendy, many are today who pass themselves for small geniuses of the computer by adopting the posture of the geek and using its codes. They represent, in fact, an ersatz ... It is not enough to spend a few hours a day in front of his computer and to buy the latest fashionable geek gadgets to claim geek! The geek hacks disassemble and improve the performance of his device. He likes free operating systems and privileges Linux to Windows. It uses incomprehensible jargon - the geek language - for those who do not know about computers. Contrary to many misconceptions, the geek is not a " no life ".
Geeks have their own language
His cult movies? Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. His favorite video game? World of Warcraft. The geek has his own language, rituals, newspapers, and cults. He has real creative abilities and often wears a geek t-shirt with a strange logo, carrying a message that only insiders can understand. Unlike the fashion lovers who borrow their big black glasses, enthusiasts of new technologies are not attached to the values of "Solitude". Geeks do not support compliance. The last fashions of dress do not interest them more than social parties. The little geniuses of computer science are potential revolutionaries. And this is certainly not within the reach of the first comer.
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